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Created 15-Jun-08
Modified 15-Jun-08
Visitors 121
19 photos
Sheridan, Wyoming still boasts a wonderful downtown area which is filled with many buildings from the early 1900's/ Lots of details that are interesting to capture.

Categories & Keywords
Category:Architecture and Structures
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:Sheridan, Wyoming, buildings

Centennial TheaterCentennial Theater B&WBank of Commerce IBank of Commerce IIBank of Commerce IIIDetail from Temple BuildingB&W of Temple Building DetailDr. Minick WindowB&W of Dr, Minick WindowEagle Detail from old Post OfficeCU of Eagle DetailJB Kendrick logoWindow from old My HotelDetail of old lamp postGate Detail from Elks LodgeKeenan Building EntranceAnother view of Keenan EntranceDetail from Cady BuildingAnother Detail From Cady Building